The SJP - Details

Follow up on Macro-Cases




Deaths and forced disappearances illegitimately presented as combat casualties by State agents.


Through macro-case 003, known as the case of 'false positives', the SRVR advances in the clarification and prosecution of the crimes committed by State agents who allegedly presented more than 6,400 Colombians as guerrilla fighters killed in combat when they were not.

Date of prioritization:

July 12, 2018

Ruling of prioritization:

- SJP Ruling No. 005 of 2018. (LINK)

- Fact Sheet of the Ruling.LINK)

Ruling of internal prioritization:

- SJP Ruling No. 003 of 2021. (LINK)

- Information Capsule of the Ruling: Spanish (LINK) - English (LINK)

Ruling of the SRVR's prioritization:

Determination of Facts and Conduct Orders

- Ruling 1: Ruling No. 125 of 2021 (sub-case Catatumbo)

- Capsule

→ Long version: (LINK)

→ Short version: Spanish (LINK) - English (LINK)

- Ruling 2: Ruling No. 128 of 2021 (sub-case Costa Caribe)

- Capsule

→ Long version: (LINK)

→ Short version: Spanish (LINK) - English (LINK)

- Ruling 3: Ruling No. 001 of 2022 (sub-case Dabeiba)

→ Long version: (LINK)

- Ruling 4: Ruling No. 005 of 2022 (sub-case Casanare)

→ Long version: (LINK)

Other related products:

Resolution of conclusions:

- Primera resolución de conclusiones

→ Long version: (LINK)

- Tercera resolución de conclusiones

→ Long version: (LINK)

Procedural status:

Stage of contribution to the truth and responsibility (Determination of facts and conducts).