The SJP - Details

Information Capsules

In this section you will find the written information capsulet that ObservaJEP publishes regularly. In these capsules we explain in a simple and graphic way some of the decisions of the SJP.

Auto de Correspondencia 003 de 2024 Macrocaso 001

a Sala de Reconocimiento de Verdad, de Responsabilidad y de Reconocimiento de los Hechos y Conductas (SRVR), mediante la Resolución de Conclusiones N°02 del 24 de noviembre de 2022, informó al Tribunal para la Paz, Sección de Primera Instancia para Casos de Reconocimiento de Verdad y Responsabilidad, sobre los hechos atribuidos al antiguo secretariado de las FARC-EP relacionados con las privaciones de libertad cometidas por la antigua estructura guerrillera en cuanto a crímenes no amnistiables.

Topic Determination of Facts and Conduct Orders

Auto de determinación de hechos y conductas en el caso 002: ¿Qué significa y qué sigue?

El documento analiza el Caso 002 de la JEP, que investiga crímenes de guerra y lesa humanidad cometidos por las FARC-EP en Tumaco, Ricaurte y Barbacoas entre 1990 y 2016. Destaca el impacto del conflicto armado en comunidades indígenas, afrocolombianas y campesinas, señalando patrones de violencia como masacres, desplazamientos, reclutamiento de menores, violencia de género y destrucción ambiental. También identifica responsabilidades penales bajo estructuras organizadas de poder y subraya los daños individuales y colectivos causados. El proceso avanza hacia el reconocimiento de responsabilidades y la emisión de sanciones, contribuyendo a la verdad, la reparación y la justicia transicional.

Topic Determination of Facts and Conduct Orders

Conoce los lineamientos complementarios en materia de sanciones propias y TOAR

En noviembre de 2023, la SeRVR emitió los “Lineamientos complementarios en materia de sanción propia y Trabajos,
Obras y Actividades con contenido Reparador – Restaurador (TOAR)” La SeRVR, en el marco de su competencia de juzgamiento y sanción, consideró necesario complementar los lineamientos emitidos en el año 2020. Lo anterior se debió, por un lado, al reconocimiento de la centralidad de los derechos de las víctimas a la verdad, la justicia, la reparación y las garantías de no repetición, así como la restauración del daño causado; y por el otro lado, a nueve preguntas y respuestas que se realizó la SeRVR y que se explicarán aquí

Topic Special sanctions and TOAR

Resolución N° 3479: Conoce cómo la JEP determina por cuánto tiempo debe un compareciente participar en un TOAR

Según consta en el acta 14 del 18 de octubre de 2023, La Sala de Definición de Situaciones Jurídicas (SDSJ) acordó que mediante una resolución fijaría los criterios para la vinculación a TOAR de los comparecientes de su competencia, atendiendo a que iniciarían los programas institucionales de la JEP en materia de reparación.

Topic Special sanctions and TOAR


Mediante el Auto 01 de 2023, expedido el pasado 1 de febrero, la Sala de Reconocimiento de la JEP imputó a un primer grupo de 10 comparecientes exintegrantes de las columnas móviles Jacobo Arenas y Gabriel Galvis de las extintas FARC-EP, por su presunta participación en crímenes de guerra y de lesa humanidad cometidos en el norte del Cauca y sur del Valle del Cauca, zona priorizada en el caso 05.

Topic Determination of Facts and Conduct Orders


El pasado 04 de julio de 2023, la Sala de Reconocimiento de Verdad y Responsabilidad determinó los hechos y conductas a través del Auto 01 de 2023. En esta, estableció los hechos y conductas atribuibles a los antiguos miembros del Comando Conjunto Central de las FARC-EP, por la: (i) toma de rehenes, ( i) graves privaciones de la libertad y i) otros crímenes no amnistiables cometidos de manera concurrente. Aquí te contamos en qué consiste esta decisión.

Topic Determination of Facts and Conduct Orders


La Sala de Reconocimiento de Verdad y Responsabilidad (SRVR) a través del Auto 05 de 2023 dio apertura al macocaso
11, denomiando “Violencia basada en género, violencia sexual, violencia reproductiva, y otros crímenes cometidos por
prejuicio basados en la orientación sexual, la expresión y/o identidad de género diversa [(“OSIGD”)] en el marco del
conflicto armado colombiano”, ¿cuál es la relevancia de este caso?, ¿de qué tratará? Aquí te lo contamos.

Topic Other

SENIT 5 de la JEP: Lo que debes saber sobre selección negativa

Esta decisión surge como resultado de un recurso de apelación contra un auto de selección negativa, y aborda una serie de asuntos clave que son de suma importancia en el ámbito legal. Sumérgete en temas como la selección negativa y su apelación, la selección negativa modulada, la aplicación del artículo 129 de la JEP por la SRVR y la SDSJ, y el régimen de condicionalidad estricto.

Topic Other

Capsule: A new chance for Salvatore Mancuso in the SJP, what did the Appeals Section say?

On August 31, 2022, through Ruling TP-SA 1186 of 2022, the Appeals Section publicly announced the decisions reached in the case of Salvatore Mancuso Gómez. In this capsule you will find six facts you should know about this decision, as well as the statements he provided before the Chamber for Definition of Judicial Situations.

Topic Other

Capsule: The JEP announces a second round of prioritization: three new macro cases will be opened

This capsule presents the most important points that the SJP revealed regarding the three new macro-cases announced in March 2022, their subject matter and their importance for the victims.

Topic Prioritization and definition of the working methodology

Capsule: Did the SJP reject the request for submission of Dairo Antonio Úsuga David, Alias "Otoniel"?

In this capsule, the decision taken by the SJP regarding the rejection of the submission of Alias "Otoniel" as third-party civilian is presented. It develops the reasons taken into account by the Chamber for the Determination of Legal Status for the rejection under the analysis of the condition that the person appearing wanted to prove.

Topic Third parties in the SJP
Capsule: Interpretative Sentence: provisional benefits, conditionality regime and victims' participation
This capsule addresses the background of the 2019 sentence SENIT 1, the principles and objectives of interpretive sentences and other points developed in the sentence, such as the contributions program, the benefits of appearants and the participation of victims.
Topic Interpretative Sentences

Capsule: Is the implementation of the Peace Agreement still on track after the announcement of Márquez, Santrich and El Paisa?

This capsule analyzes the implications of the declarations of Iván Márquez and Jesús Santrich - both for them and for the peace process - and presents the proceedings carried out after the declarations by the Chamber of Recognition and the Appeals Section

Topic Other
Capsule: The SJP´s Jurisdiction in the face of the paramilitary phenomenon
This capsule addresses various issues related to the competence of the SJP in relation to the paramilitary phenomenon such as: (i) the factors of the SJP´s competence, (ii) the jurisprudential line of the Appeals Section in this regard and (iii) the main points developed by the Chamber for Amnesty or Pardon in Ruling No. 199 of 2019.
Topic Third parties in the SJP
Capsule: Key points in the SJP´s decision in the Santrich case.
This capsule addresses the SJP’s decision to grant the guarantee of non-extradition to Jesús Santrich upon the request by the US for the alleged commission of drug trafficking after signature of the Peace Agreement.
Topic Other
Capsule: The Chamber of Recognition activates adversarial process in macro-case 001: first referral to the Unit of Investigation and Accusation (UIA).
When is a case referred to the UIA? In this capsule we address this issue with regards to the case of Luis Fernando Almario, given that he did not accept his responsibility for the facts of macro-case 001.
Topic Progress in the adversarial process
Capsule: Internal prioritization of macro-case 007: what is it and what are its implications?
By means of Ruling No. 159 of 2021, the SJP announced the internal prioritization route of macro-case 007, called "Recruitment and use of children in the armed conflict". In this capsule we highlight the most important points of this decision.
Topic Prioritization and definition of the working methodology
Capsule: ABC of the second decision regarding the determination of facts and conducts on macro-case 003 - subcase Costa Caribe
In this capsule we present the most relevant information about the subcase Catatumbo of macro-case 003 related to the criminal patterns identified; the circumstances that contributed to covering up the deeds and all the damages suffered by the victims.
Topic Determination of Facts and Conduct Orders
Capsule: ABC of the second judgment regarding the determination of facts and conducts on macro-case 003 - subcase Costa Caribe.
En esta cápsula presentamos los puntos más importantes que se deben conocer para entender el Subcaso Costa Caribe del caso 003.
Topic Determination of Facts and Conduct Orders
Capsule: ABC of the first decision regarding the determination of facts and conducts in macro-case 003 - subcase Catatumbo
In this capsule we present the most relevant information about the subcase Catatumbo of macro-case 003 related to the criminal patterns identified; the circumstances that contributed to covering up the deeds and all the damages suffered by the victims.
Topic Determination of Facts and Conduct Orders
Capsule: Second Determination of Facts and Conducts in macro-case 003: What happened and what to expect?
This capsule addresses the main aspects addressed by the Chamber of Recognition in the Ruling of Determination of Facts and Conducts of the subcase Norte de Santander (macro-case 003)
Topic Determination of Facts and Conduct Orders
Capsule: ABC of the first decision regarding the determination of facts and conducts on macro-case 003 - subcase Catatumbo.
En esta cápsula presentamos los puntos más importantes que se deben conocer para entender el Subcaso Costa Caribe del caso 003.
Topic Determination of Facts and Conduct Orders
Capsule: First Determination of Facts and Conducts in macro-case 003: What happened and what to expect?
This capsule addresses the main aspects developed by the Chamber of Recognition in the Ruling of Determination of Facts and Conducts of the subcase Norte de Santander (macro-case 003).
Topic Determination of Facts and Conduct Orders
Capsule: Internal prioritization of macro-case 003: what is it and what are the implications thereof?
In this capsule, we summarize and present the most relevant information about the internal prioritization of macro-case 003, which deals with illegitimate killings presented by State Agents as war causalities.
Topic Prioritization and definition of the working methodology
Die Sondergerichtsbarkeit für den Frieden in Kolumbien
In dieser Kapsel stellen wir die Hauptmerkmale, die Aufgaben sowie die Funktionsweise der Sondergerichtsbarkeit für den Frieden in Kolumbien vor.
Topic Other
Judgment on macro-case 001: What happened and what to expect?
This capsule summarizes the nature of macro-case 001 - what are its origins, what is investigated within its scope and what can be expected from this investigation.
Topic Determination of Facts and Conduct Orders
Capsule: FARC-EP Pronouncements: Nature and action routes
This capsule addresses the FARC-EP pronouncements that were delivered on September 30, 2020 to the SJP and what impacts they may have.
Topic Contributions to the truth and acknowledgment of responsibility
Capsule: New Presidency and Vice-Presidency of the SJP
In this capsule, we explain the procedure for the election of a new president and vice-president of the SJP, as well as their functions.
Topic Other
Capsule: What happens in the SJP if a witness denies his or her responsibility in certain facts that are linked to him/her?
This capsule, based on statements by former FARC-EP members, addresses five key points regarding the recognition of truth and responsibility as well as macro-case 007.
Topic Contributions to the truth and acknowledgment of responsibility
Capsule: Proper sanctions and TOAR: axes and procedures.
This capsule addresses the principles, characteristics and procedures that must be followed in order to impose a sanction, pre-endorse a TOAR and advance the process of monitoring and follow-up of sanctions.
Topic Special sanctions and TOAR
Capsule: Announcement of Ruling C-050 of 2020: The SJP will be able to learn about all crimes committed by third parties.
This capsule presents the reasons why the Constitutional Court considered that the limitation of the competences of the SJP on certain crimes committed by third parties and AENIFPU was unconstitutional.
Topic Third parties in the SJP