The SJP - Details

Follow up on Macro-Cases




Territorial situation in the northern Cauca region.


The Department of Cauca is especially representive of the armed conflict, as it has been the site of the convergence of all armed actors, especially vulnerable social groups (indigenous peoples, Afro-descendants and peasant communities) and the most representative violations of human rights that must be investigated and judged by the Special Jurisdiction for Peace, a situation that has made it one of the epicenters of violence in Colombia between January 1, 1993 and December 1, 2016.

Date of prioritization:

November 16, 2018

Ruling of prioritization:

- SJP Ruling No. 078 of 2018. (LINK)

- Fact Sheet of the Ruling.LINK)

Ruling of internal prioritization:

Ruling of the SRVR's prioritization:

Determination of Facts and Conduct Orders

Other related products:

Resolution of conclusions:

Procedural status:

Stage of contribution to the truth and responsibility.