Who we are

ObservaJEP is an academic observatory formed by the Universidad de La Sabana, the Universidad del Rosario, and the Rule of Law Programme Latin America of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation. The Observatory aims to monitor, from a legal approach, the institutional design, functioning, implementation and impact of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (SJP), in order to determine compliance with its objectives in accordance with the Peace Agreement and the obligations of the Colombian State in terms of justice, truth, reparation and non-repetition.


Our products

Fact Sheets

In our fact sheets you will find a detailed legal analysis of some mayor decisions of the SJP selected by us due to their importance and impact. Each fact sheet is subdivided according to the legal issues to which the corresponding Chamber or Section responded.

Information Capsules

In the written information capsules you will find a brief summary of each of the SJP decisions that we selected for their importance and impact. These summaries contain the main points of the decisions, their background and key questions and answers for your understanding.

Multimedia content

In this section you will find 1) our videos in which we answer key questions about the functioning of the SJP, the cases it has opened and their development and 2) the webinars we have held.

Annual Reports

In this section you will find our annual reports outlining the most relevant topics of the SJP and core domains within our research focus.

International Law Matrix

Here you will find a matrix developed by ObservaJEP that allows you to quickly find the most important decisions of the Inter-American system of Human Rights related to transitional justice.